Safety Protocols
As we are now officially in summer and with our wildlife becoming more active and the heat more prominent, it is pertinent to provide members with some simple safety procedures.
MRGC Course Renovations
Following the course renovations, we have spread 12 tone of custom blend fertiliser over the fairways, tees, surrounds and rough. A little rain and some warmer overnight temperature will see all these areas pickup and the turf surfaces at Maroochy River return to normal.
Our Amazing Volunteers
The current group of volunteers working to enhance our club here at Maroochy River can trace their foundations back to our Horton Park days. Volunteers regularly met ever since the Horton Park was first proposed to cultivate holes, plant trees, remove branches and regularly help out our small band of dedicated groundsmen.
Course Renovation Explained
Firstly, I would like to thank all staff, volunteers, and members for the cooperation and understanding of our recent course renovation. Now I am fully aware of the inconvenience that this can cause, so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain and give you all an insight into what…