Blue Lines and Traffic

Blue Lines and Traffic

As much as the blue lines and cart direction works for improved surfaces around the greens, can we all be aware of the concentrated wear that is starting to appear at the blue lines. It is good to see the information sent out by Andy Meldrum being followed however, you still need to be mindful in spreading this wear.

So, if you reach the green from further out it is best for everyone if you make your way to the path from that point, there should be no need to drive up to the blue line and exit to the path. Try to drive on longer lusher bits of grass beside the wear tracks and not follow the worn grass like sheep. Compaction will be a big issue if this continues as the ground will become rock hard, no water will be able to penetrate the area, the turf will decline with bare patches, and all we will see grow in these areas will be weeds.