Course Renovations – Course closed Monday & Tuesday
Course Renovations- (to commence today after last tee of competition has gone – Golf Course closed Monday 14/02/22 & Tuesday 15/02/22). Mini Golf course will still be open.
How a Brisbane accountant tamed the Black Swan
ANYBODY who has ever played in Maroochy River’s Black Swan competition, scheduled for the first Monday of each month, will know that it’s about the toughest test of golf on the Sunshine Coast.
Driving Range Tee
The renovations at the driving range tee are progressing well. The grass tee at the driving range has been heavily scarified, top dressed, and fertilised. This renovation is taking advantage of the growing conditions and will help level the surface for you to enjoy once again. The synthetic tee will be used until it recovers enough which should be in about 5 or 6 weeks.
Clubhouse Garden Beds
We have begun to tidy up some areas to plant out. Kim has done a great job in designing a garden that will complement the new extension. The garden beds will have a combination of rocks and mulch with some small plants that will not impact the view from the clubhouse. There will also be a change to the garden areas at the driving range tee to clean up around the new paths and seating areas.
Girls into Golf
Girls into Golf (GIG) is now into its 14th successful year! We have over 180 members of all ages – both passionate and curious about golf – that learn the game in a relaxed, female-friendly atmosphere under the close eye of our Professional, Di Pavich.