No Change to State Government Regulations

No Change to State Government Regulations

Many members have been asking questions in relation to COVID safe practices that we are still following at MRGC, such as no rakes in bunkers, no NTP’s and removal of the flagsticks. To assist members to understand why there has been no change to these procedures, I encourage you to read the official GA advice that we use to monitor our practices.

No change to State Government Regulations

Shared Equipment – Although a number of restrictions have eased, the requirements around shared equipment in the Covid Safe Plan – Outdoor Sports remain unchanged. As such Golf Australia’s recommendation is for Clubs to continue the use of these Covid-19 Local Rules as it the most adequate way to meet the Covid Safe Plans practices around hygiene and sanitisation of shared equipment under current restrictions. A facility may choose to allow the removal of flagsticks, rakes in bunkers, NTP’s and score cards, however, this shared equipment needs to be washed or wiped with antibacterial wipes or alcohol-based sanitiser prior to and after each use.

Further, under current laws, if the club did allow flagsticks to be removed and did not provide for that equipment to be cleaned before and after each use, the club may be fined for not conforming to the Industry Safe Plan.

Water Bubblers/taps

If your Club/Facility is considering using Water Bubbler/Taps you should first complete a risk assessment based on where the water bubblers are located and the ability of the Club to keep the bubblers sanitized, like other high touch surfaces located on the golf course.

For further guidance on adherence to the Covid-Safe Plans, please click here to view Golf Australia Covid-19 Safe Plan Guidance- Stage 5 QLD.

Further information on the Covid-19 restrictions for sport, recreation and fitness activities can be found at Queensland Return to Play.

I hope that this assists members in understanding why these practices have not yet changed at MRGC.

Club Captain

Maroochy River Golf Club

Download the Covid Safe App
