31 Oct 2020 Schweppes Australia Legends Pro-Am
In December, Maroochy River Golf Club are hosting the inaugural Legends Pro-Am.
This will be a great opportunity for members to either play with or come out and watch the Legends of Australian Golf who will grace our fairways for the inaugural Maroochy River Schweppes Australia Legends Pro-Am on Sunday 13th December.
The Australian Legends Tour sees professional golfers aged 50 and over compete in approximately 70 tournaments throughout Australia and New Zealand. Australian Greats such as Peter Senior, Roger Davis, Glen Joyner, Peter Fowler, Brad Burns and Terry Price are all regulars on the tour and with border restrictions easing players such as Peter Lonard, Peter, O’Malley and Steve Conran are also possible starters.
To make these events work, we also need sponsors to provide the prize money, Maroochy River Golf Club has put together corporate sponsorship packages, these packages start from only $1100.00. We believe these packages are both affordable and offer value for money. Along with valuable exposure for your business, these sponsorship packages offer golfing and hospitality opportunities ideal for entertaining clients and guests, and it may be that, as a marketing opportunity, that this would suit your business profile.
We look forward to working with our Corporate Partners in 2020 and beyond, as forging a long-term relationship with benefits to both parties is important in any corporate arrangement. This is our commitment to you, to promote your business alongside that of the Maroochy River Golf Club.
Overall, we are looking to promote this as an “enjoyable” experience for the corporate partners with a strong message of support and involvement from the Sunshine Coast Business Community. Your sponsorship contribution will go towards attracting the country’s leading Australian Golfing Legends.
For more information on the Sponsorship packages please contact me on 0417 540 120 or email me at manager@maroochyrivergolfclub.com.au.
General Manager
Maroochy River Golf Club
Some photos from last year’s Pro-Am